條款及細則 / 商品退換服務(TERMS & CONDITIONS)/ 商品退換服務
How Can We Assist?
1.1 顧客購買及使用本公司所提供的服務前,請清楚了解 <條款細則> 的內容。
1.2 顧客在本公司 (包括官方網上商店/Price Shop/HKTVmall 或其他平台落單) 提交訂單準備作同意 <條款細則> 的條文。
1.3 付款成功後,顧客將會收到由系統所發出的購物確認信,所有交易資料將以此確認信為準,請顧客在確定購買前確認所填寫的聯絡資料準確無誤。
1.1 We Innovative Ideas Limited (collectively “we”, the “Company”, “Innovative Ideas Ltd.” or “Innovative Ideas”), facilitate a convenient way of shopping online.
1.2 By ordering and purchasing via our company’s online stores (including our official website www.innovativeideas.hk , www.price.com.hk, www.hktvmall.com, direct email, telephone, fax, in person, and/or other current or future platforms, you agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions.
1.3 These Terms and Conditions are prepared in English and Chinese. The English version shall prevail in case of any conflict or discrepancy between the two versions.
1.4 All orders placed will receive an order confirmation via email, inclusive of the following information:
Product(s) purchased
Detailed price including any discounts (if any)
Shipping address and contact information
Payment confirmation
Estimated dispatch date
2.1 本公司設有多個銷售平台售賣商品,所列貨品如因供貨短缺而予隨時撤銷並毋須事先通知。
2.2 貨品實際顏色及圖案或會因電腦螢幕設定而出現輕微差異,一切以實物為準。
2.3 資料及圖片由商戶提供,只供參考。
2.1 Innovative Ideas have multiple shopping platforms, each with a specific number of units available, and products may sell out without prior notice.
2.2 The actual color and pattern of the product may vary slightly when received, this is a result of screen monitor settings. The advertised image online should be treated as a reference to the actual product received.
3.1 顧客應於購買後的 2 - 14 個工作天到店取貨,請留意營業時間。
3.2 每個訂單記錄只能使用一次,逾期無效(有效期為可取貨日起14天內)。
3.3 顧客必須於換領產品時出示訂單記錄,包括姓名,電話號碼,及QR Code。
3.4 顧客若超過取貨時間(14天)仍沒有領取訂單,該訂單將會被取消並不會作退款安排。
3.5 本公司不設退款及延期
3.6 購買時必須選定款式及送貨方式,其後不得更改。
3.7 顧客必須於取貨時檢查貨品及其數量,若有任何問題,應即時提出。貨物出門,恕不退款。
3.8 建議顧客自備環保袋,膠袋將徵收$1。
星期一至五:上午 10:00 - 下午 5:30
午餐時間為: 下午 1:00 - 下午 2:00
3.1 Customers must pick up their orders within 14 days from order confirmation.
3.2 A QR code will be redeemable only once per order and will automatically expire 14 days after your order is confirmed. Once expired, it will not be redeemable.
3.3 Customers must present the confirmation email, including the name, contact number, and QR code.
for redemption.
3.4 Failure to collect orders will result in cancellation and no refunds will be made.
3.5 All sales are final.
3.6 The color, model, product size, and delivery method must be confirmed at the time of purchase.
3.7 Customers are advised to check the condition of the products and quantity against the purchase order received via email.
3.8 In event of an error, we will arrange to exchange/replace any discrepant, including damaged products.
3.9 Customers are advised to bring their own bag when picking up products in-store.
Office Hours
Monday – Friday* 10:00am – 1:00pm / 2:00pm - 5:30 pm
*except for public holidays
4.1 請務必確認所填寫的地址及聯絡資料正確無誤,因會影響派送效率。
4.2 於星期一至五下午 5:30 前的訂單將會於當日處理完畢並且寄出。
4.3 於星期六,日或公眾假期下的訂單將需要順延至下一個工作天處理,我們承諾會以最快的速度處理。
4.4 顧客不能選擇特定送貨日期或時間。
4.5 若顧客因填寫了錯誤資料而未能取件,我們將會於收回郵件後電話聯絡顧客。我們可以再次安排送貨,但顧客須承擔額外運費。
4.6 如貨品已到達收件地址但未有人簽收,我們亦可以再次被安排送貨,不過所產生的額外運費需由顧客承擔。
4.7 送貨服務有可能會因天氣,交通,地區或其他因素而暫停或延期,送貨時間將會另作安排。
4.1 To avoid unnecessary delivery delays, please ensure all details are correct during the checkout process.
4.2 Orders that have been made before 4:00 pm Monday to Friday (except for public holidays) will be shipped on the same day. Orders placed after 4:00 pm will be shipped the following working.
4.3 Orders that have been made on Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays will be shipped the following working day.
4.4 Requests for special delivery arrangements (e.g., change of location, date, time, etc.), must be communicated directly with the nominated courier company.
4.5 If customers are unable to receive their order due to incorrect or insufficient delivery information, we will contact the customers directly once the package has been returned. The cost for a second delivery attempt will be charged.
4.6 Please make sure that someone is available at the shipping address.
4.7 Delivery service will be delayed or canceled due to weather conditions and traffic conditions, respective orders will be rescheduled, and customers will be notified via email and/or telephone.
4.8 Scheduled delivery service will not be available when a typhoon signal No.8 or above, or a black rainstorm warning signal is hoisted.
4.9 Any title, right, or risk to the product shall transfer to the customer upon physical delivery of the product to the address identified by the customer.
5. Delivery Fee
5.1 Delivery fee is calculated by weight.
5.2 Free delivery: Free delivery when you spend $500 or more.
5.3 Delivery Fee: (Below $500)
Industrial & Commercial Area: The first 1 KG $35, after 1KG, each KG = $15
Residential Area: The first 1 KG $35, after 1KG, each KG = $15
5.1 滿額免運: 訂單金額滿 $500 即可享免運費。
5.2 每單運費: (如未達免運金額)
工商地區: 首重 $35 之後每公斤$15
住宅地區: 首重 $35 之後每公斤$15
偏遠地區: 或需支付額外運費
5.3 最終運費計算以物流商提供為準
5.1 Delivery fee is calculated by weight.
5.2 Free delivery: Free delivery when you spend $500 or more.
5.3 Delivery Fee: (Below $500)
Industrial & Commercial Area: The first 1 KG $35, after 1KG, each KG = $15
Residential Area: The first 1 KG $35, after 1KG, each KG = $15
Remote Area: might occur extended area surcharge
5.4 Some locations may not be accessible for delivery.
6.1 本公司只提供退還貨品,不接受退款處理,並受以下條款及細則約束:
貨品損壞 (不包括包裝盒的損毀)
6.1 Purchased goods are non-refundable, all products are bound by the below terms and conditions:
a. Customers may exchange defective product(s) within 7 days from the date of delivery or pickup date.
b. Customers must provide the invoice, order number, name, contact number, product name (model number), and must state the reason for exchanging goods.
c. The product(s) to be exchanged should not be damaged, scratched, defaced, or contain any trace of water and/ or other substance damage.
d. All parts, accessories, user manual must be intact and returned together with the product(s)
e. Customers are allowed to exchange the products with the same model, color, and size.
f. Any promotional bonus products, such as free gifts, redeemed gifts, gift cards, coupons, or discounted items, etc (upon the purchase of specific items) must be returned together with the exchanged item.
g. If the promotional bonus is not returned, or if the promotional bonus was used or damaged, we will reserve the right to refuse your exchange application.
g. In the event, a replacement product is not available, we may refund the amount paid for the product.
h. Under no circumstances will the packaging and/ or delivery fee be refunded.
i. In case of dispute, Innovative Ideas shall have the right to make the final decision.
7 Days Good Exchange will not cover:
a. Damage caused by inappropriate use, assembly, storage; accidents; and normal wear and tear.
b. Products that have been assembled, dismantled, altered, or relocated by customers.
c. More than 7 days after the delivery/pick-up date.
d. Product(s) where the packaging has been damaged or not included.
e. Free gifts promotional bonus.
f. Invoice, delivery documentation, and guarantee card (if applicable) have not been presented.
7.1 倘若由於[不可抗力]的原因(其中包括但不限於由於火災、不幸事故、意外、天災、自然災禍、香港特別行政區政府或其任何政府機構的任何法律、命令、文告、條例、要求或規定、罷工、勞資糾紛勞工短缺或技術工人短缺貨品或原材料短缺、運輸延誤或本公司在合理範圍內無法控制的原因,無論是否與前述者相似)致使本公司無法履行其網頁內的責任,本公司可在受影響的範圍內豁免履行該等責任及本公司無須因此負上任何責任。
7.1 Force Majeure as defined within the Hong Kong Special Administrative.
8.1 本公司保留最終權利,可按其絕對酌情權修改本條款及細則。
8.2 顧客須自行負責在確認任何訂單前先查閱本條款及細則。
8.3 訂單一經發出,顧客即視作已接受當時有效的條款及細則。
8.4 若就以上條款有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。
8.1 Innovative Ideas reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions without prior notice.
本網站尊重並致力在香港法例下保護顧客私隱,只有獲授權人士方可查閱。本網站所收集的資料會保存一段合理時間,並用作幫助本網站作市場研究 以提供更多產品和服務。
顧客的個人資料可作本公司的推廣, 宣傳或建立良好客戶關係之用。如閣下不欲收到有關資料,請先與本網站聯絡。
Innovative Ideas will protect your personal information in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
10.1 本公司不會就錯誤或不當使用產品所引致的任何問題承擔任何責任
10.2 本店保留不時修改和修訂售價,送貨收費及網上購物條款及細則的權利,且毋須作出事前通知。
10.3 如有任何爭議,Innovative Ideas Limited保留最終決定權。
10.1 Innovative Ideas shall not be liable for any man-made damage of the products and/ or products defects due to mishandling
10.2 Prices are subject to our final confirmation at the time of ordering. Innovative Ideas reserves the right to any price adjustment without prior notice.
11.1 有 關本網站的資料可能受到知識產權法律及權利的保障(包括但不限於保護版權之法例)。本網站之商標、設計、材料、文本、圖形、圖像、聲音、
影像及其他知識產 權均屬於Innovative Ideas Limited 之資產, 或已獲得版權擁有人之正式授權, 版權所有, 擅用必究。如使用者未經本網站同意上載、
下載、複製、傳送、刊印、張貼、儲存或以其他形式公開呈現、表演、發送或其他任何大眾的商業目的之使用, 使用者可能侵犯上述法律或權利。
11.1 The Information may be protected under intellectual property laws and rights (including without limitation laws protecting copyright). The contents of the http://www.innovativeideas.hk/ such as trademarks, designs, materials, text, graphics, images, audio, video and other intellectual property appearing on www.gkh.com.hk are protected under copyright, trademark and other laws applicable. All Materials and compilation thereof are the exclusive property of INNOVATIVE IDEAS LIMITED. or its content suppliers or clients. Unauthorized use, distribute, upload, download, copy, modify, transmit, publish, repost, store or otherwise use any of the content in any way for any public or commercial purpose without our prior written consent may infringe such laws or rights.
訂單查詢 / 聯絡我們
12.1 如顧客就訂單狀態 或 有任何疑問,歡迎致電 (852) 2524 9197 直接與我們聯絡。
12.2 顧客亦可以以電郵查詢, Email: info@innovative.hk
12.1 Please contact us at (852) 2524 9197 for inquiry.
12.2 Customers may also reach us at info@innovative.hk